(c) 2007-2025  Last updated February 11, 2025

  Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 11th - see "Business" for details) 
Agnew, Barker House, Barkers Point
​ September 2020 Fredericton North Heritage Association BBQ
November 2010 meeting guest speaker UNB Professor Marc Milner.
FNHA member Fred White with January 2011 guest speaker Stan Ebbett
Guest speaker Steve Goudey with FNHA members Ernie McFadzen and Dow Johnston, September 2011 meeting.
Guest speaker Paul O'Connell with FNHA member Sharon Hallett, November 2011 meeting.
Santa Claus with FNHA member Carol Randall, Christmas 2011.
FNHA member Judy Johnston with January 2012 guest speaker Bob Dallison.
Guest speaker Mary Louise McCarthy, and FNHA member Sharon Hallett, February 2012 meeting.
Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside with FNHA member Judy Johnston, March 2012 meeting.
FNHA member Steve Goudey and April 2012 guest speaker, Rev. Ross Hebb of St. Peter's Church, Kingsclear.
New Brunswick Archivist Fred Farrell and FNHA member Dow Johnston, May 2012 meeting.
FNHA President Eric Megarity and NB Lieutenant Governor Graydon Nicholas, September 2012 meeting.
UNB professor emeritus, Angus Hamilton, with FNHA member George Wood, October 2012 meeting.
Guest speaker Dr. Stephen Hart with FNHA member Anne Trecartin at the November 2012 meeting.
FNHA members Fred White and Dave Neil leading the Christmas sing- a- long at the December 2012 meeting with accompanist Don Stevenson.
FNHA member Mark Depow with guest speaker Celine Delacroix, Executive Director, NB Conservation Council, at the January 2013 meeting.
Guest speaker Ken McGeorge, Executive Director, York Care Foundation, and FNHA member Steve Goudey at the February 2013 meeting.
March 2013 guest speaker Jason Gendron, archaeologist and historian, with FNHA member Sharon Hallett.
April 2013 speaker former Fredericton City Administrator Frank Flanagan
June 2013 speakers Bruce and Marilyn Driscoll with FNHA member Jill Hargrove
FNHA member George Woods with September 2013 guest speaker Heather Lyons
October 2013 speaker James Talbot with FNHA President Eric Megarity
November 2013 speaker, Rev. Ross Hebb
FNHA Vice President Ernie McFadzen expressing appreciation to 2013 Christmas Party pianist Jerry McFarlane
January 2014 speaker  Constable Duncan Lombard of the Fredericton City Police Fraud Squad and Crime Prevention Department, (second from left) Jim Jeffrey, Dr. Sandy MacDonald and Bob Kenyon of the Seniors Advisory Committee
FNHA member Steve Goudey thanking February 2014 speaker Ross Ingram for his interesting talk on the history of broadcasting in Canada
March 2014 guest speaker Connie Shanks Storr and her husband. Connie entertained FNHA members at the AGM with interesting researched facts and stories of life in Fredericton one hundred years ago
April 2014 speaker Semra N. Yuksel with FNHA member George Wood. Ms. Yuksel, presented her documentary "It Was The Dance". It told the story of an interracial couple who met during the Second World War and settled near Fredericton after the War. The film addressed issues of racism, socio-economic injustice and the complex history of the black experience in New Brunswick.
May 2014 speaker, author Jim Gougle, with FNHA Vice-President Fred White. Mr. Gougle gave an interesting talk on the US Civil War. There was a question and answer session following the talk.
June 2014 speaker Sarah Green, Education Specialist with Ducks Unlimited Limited, on the right, with FNHA members Carol Randall and Robert McNeil. Ms Green spoke about Ducks Unlimited's aims, objectives and future plans
Former Fredericton Mayor Elbridge Wilkins with FNHA member Judy Bird. Mayor Wilkins was the featured speaker at the October FNHA meeting. He spoke on growing up in Nashwaaksis and about events in his years as Mayor of Fredericton.
Danny Grant was the guest speaker for November. He spoke of his early life in Barker's Point and his career as a professional hockey player in the NHL. Here he is with FNHA member Carol Randall.
Sean Dunbar of Picaroons Brewery was the guest speaker in January 2015. Here he is seen with FNHA member Helen Gilmore.
Jill Hargrove of the FNHA expressing appreciation to Brent Wilson of the Gregg Centre who spoke on World Wars |One and Two and their effect on northside Fredericton. Mr. Wilson was the February 2015 speaker.
Bob McNeill of the FNHA expressing appreciation to Tim LeBlanc President of the Nashwaaksis Y's Service Club. Mr. LeBlanc, the speaker for April 2015, spoke about the history of the Club and its contributions to the north side community
Billy Saunders, former baseball player, coach and historian accepting thanks from FNHA member Jill Hargrove. The May 2015 speaker spoke on the history of the Marysville Royals Field.
Jill Hargrove of the FNHA thanking FNHA member Bob McNeil who was the speaker for the June 9 meeting. Bob gave an interesting and informative talk on the history of Maugerville. Following the meeting, the FNHA members were treated to a barbecue, thanks to FNHA President Eric Megarity, his wife Suzanne and Mark Depow.
FNHA member Ernie McFadzen, October 2015 guest speaker Jo-Ann Fellows and FNHA member Helen Gilmore after the talk given by Ms. Fellows.
Colonel Harold Skaarup, November 2015 speaker with FNHA member Robert McNeil. Colonel Skaarup spoke with great enthusiasm  on Canadian and New Brunswick military history.
The Doucet family singers performing at the 2015 FNHA Christmas Party.
January 2016 speaker, former UNB professor Richard Bird, with Mike O'Brien (left) and FNHA President Eric Megarity (right).
February 2016 guest speaker, former St. Thomas University profressor Andrea Nicholas with FNHA member Anne Trecartin.
 March 2016 speaker, Mr. Brent Suttie, archaeologist and manager of the NB Provincial Archaeology Unit, with FNHA President Eric Megarity on the left and Mr. Mike O'Brien on the right.
 April 2016 speaker, Mr. Peter Clark, prominent New Brunswick writer and storyteller.

​FNHA member Anne Trecartin with May 2016 guest speaker Mr. David Hilderbrand.
FNHA member Anne Trecartin with September 2016 guest speaker John Hilderbrand.
FNHA member Diana Moore with October  2016 guest speaker, Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien.
FNHA member Diana Moore with November 2016 guest speaker and musical performer,  Eric Leblanc and Greg Sprague.
​FNHA member Dow Johnston with December 2016 guest performers the Doucette Family.
​FNHA member Anne Trecartin with January 2017 guest speaker, FNHA member Robert McNeil.
​FNHA member Jill Hargrove with March 2017 speaker Fred Farrell from the New Brunswick Provincial Archives.
​FNHA member Helen Gilmore with April 2017 speaker David McKinley of the Fredericton Fire Department.
​FNHA member Charles Wall with May 2017 speaker, Daily Gleaner journalist Michael Staples.
FNHA member Anne Trecartin with September 2017 speaker, retired New Brunswick educator, Dr. Barry Miller.
FNHA member Kathryn Hilder with October 2017 speaker, City of Fredericton Community Planning Manager, Mr. Marcello Battilana.
November 2017 speaker, Melynda Jarratt receiving a gift from Tricia Jarratt.
December 2017 Christmas singers, the Doucette family, being presented a cheque for the Fredericton Food Bank by FNHA member Jill Hargrove.
January 2018 speaker Robert McNeil with FNHA member Diana Moore and the new FNHA flag.
FNHA Vice-President Fred White with the February 2018 speaker, former Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside.
FNHA member Ann Cameron with March 2018 speaker, Donald Cormier.
FNHA member Bob McNeil with April  2018 speaker, Don Roberts.
FNHA member Dow Johnston with June 2018 speaker, Bob McNeil.
FNHA member Bob McNeil with September 2018 speaker Dave Morell
FNHA member Jill Hargrove with October 2018 speaker Carol Randall.
November 2018 speaker Professor Lee Windsor with FNHA member Fred White.
December 2018 Christmas performers, the Doucette family with FNHA member Maryann McNeil.
FNHA member Robert McNeil with January 2019 speaker Bruce Driscoll.
FNHA member Jill Hargroves with February 2019 speaker Chris Robbins.

FNHA member Fred White with March 2019 speaker Janet Thomas.
April 2019 speaker Fred Farrell speaker with FNHA member Maryann McNeil
May 2019 speaker Bob Mabie speaker with FNHA member Diana Moore.
FNHA member Marjorie Hughes receiving the 2019 Booker Award from Colleen Booker, June 2019

FNHA member Anne Trecartin giving a gift to September 2019 speaker John Leroux
FNHA member Brenda White giving a gift to October 2019 speaker Ernie Fitzsimmons
FNHA member Fred White with November 2019 speaker Rev. Ross Hebb.
​FNHA member Marilyn Demerchant presenting the Doucet Family Singers with a gift certificate.
FNHA member Fred White thanking January 2020 speaker Josh Green
FNHA member George Crawford thanking February 2020 speaker Ralph Thomas
October 2020 speaker David McKinley of the Fredericton Fire Department.
June 2022 speaker Melynda Jarratt with FNHA member Anne Trecartin.
September 2022 speaker Kathi Vaughn Zwicker with FNHA member Diana Moore.
Roger Nason, FNHA member Jill Hargrove with November 2022 speaker Ralph Thomas.
December 2022 saw the Doucet family singers perform for the FNHA members and their guests at the annual Christmas Party.
FNHA member Bob McNeil with January 2023 speaker Rev. Ross Hebb.
FNHA member Anne Trecartin with February 2023 speakers Ron Green and Marion McIntyre.
FNHA member Fred White with March 2023 speaker Marion Beyea.
FNHA president Eric Megarity with April 2023 speaker Mike Bamford.
FNHA vice president Fred White with May 2023 speaker Josh Green.
Samone, David and Jane from the Co-op Home and Farm Country Store were the guest speakers at the June 2023 meeting.
September 2023 speakers Heather Storey and Rose Burke. They are representatives of the Capital Writers.

FNHA member Kathi Vaughan with Norman P. Neil, October guest speaker.
Andrew MacLean, November guest speaker with FNHA President Eric Megarity.
January guest speaker Philip Sexsmith, on the right, with a parent of a former Characters Incorporated performer on the left.
Febuary guest speaker Roger Nason on the left with FNHA President Eric Megarity on the right.
March guest speakers David Underhill on the left and Phil Robichaud on the right.
April guest speaker Capt. (Retired) Brian MacDonald and FNHA member Jill Hargrove.
FNHA President Eric Megarity, May guest speakers Keith MacKnight, Josh Green and FNHA Vice President Fred White.
June guest speaker Major (retired) Doug Hall, FNHA member David Underhill and FNHA member Mike MacFarlane in a heritage military uniform.
October guest speakers, Pat Burns on the left and Janice Picard, on the right.
November guest speaker, Rev. Ross Hebb, on the left and FNHA member Robert McNeil, on the right.
Christmas 2024 speaker, FNHA President Eric Megarity, on the right giving a presentation on Christmas's past.
January 2025 speaker, Greg Doucet of the Fredericton Foodbank on the left with FNHA member Fred White on the right.
The new Fredericton North Heritage Association Banner on display at the February 2014 meeting.
At the February 2014 meeting, member Ernie MacFadzen is thanking long-time member Mary Murch who is moving to Harvey.
Left to Right: Florence Gilbey, Judy Bird, Helen Gilmore, Darlene Ebbett and Ann Cameron
Elizabeth Earl with Ann Corbett
Mark Depow with Bob Mabie
George Crawford with Carol Randall and Bob McNeil
A group of FNHA members during the BBQ
 June 2014 Fredericton North Heritage Association BBQ
FNHA members arriving at the Provincial Furniture Depository, Kings Landing.
A selection of ceramics at the Provincial Furniture Depository, Kings Landing
A 19th century couch in storage in the furniture depository
An old bureau in the provincial collection.
An 18th century dish cabinet that came from the Maugerville area.
FNHA member Fred White leading the tour at Kings Landing.
A collection of historic iron tools in the provincial furniture collection.
A selection of ceramic jugs in the provincial furniture collection.
FNHA members resting in the Presbyterian church at Kings Landing.
FNHA member Eleanor Stillwell during the Kings Landing tour.
FNHA member Florence Gilby and guest Gary Allen resting during the walk through Kings Landing.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Tour to Kings Landing, September 2014
FNHA members taking part in the sing a long at the 2014 Christmas party.
FNHA members Carol Randall and Robert McNeil at the 2014 Christmas party.
FNHA member Peter Pacey acting out a story during the 2014 Christmas party.
FNHA member Dave Neill with guest and sing a long piano accompanist Don Stevenson.
A selection of some of the gifts given by FNHA members at the Christmas party.
FNHA members Judy Bird and Ernest McFadzen at the party.
FNHA member Sharon Hallett telling a story at the Christmas party.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2014
Other Images 
FNHA President Eric Megarity presenting a cheque for $200 to Salvation Army Major Larry Goudie, December 2014
New and old FNHA heritage banners 2015
FNHA members Fred White and Robert McNeil, October 2015, with the new Nashwaaksis and Devon banners they helped create.
A close up of the new Nashwaaksis banner.
A close up of the new Devon banner.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2015
FNHA member Anne Trecartin reading the Heritage Prayer at the beginning of the 2015 festivities.
The Doucet family singing a selection of seasonal songs at the Christmas Party.
FNHA members and friends enjoying the Doucet family concert.
Another view of the Doucet family performing.
2015 Christmas Tree
A glimpse of some of the refreshments offered at the Christmas Party.
FNHA members enjoying some of the Christmas refreshments at the Christmas Party.
Another view of FNHA members enjoying seasonal refreshments at the Christmas Party.
Gallery of FNHA  Past Speakers, 2010 to present: 
FNHA members boarding the tour bus taking them to Camp Gagetown and the New Brunswick Military Museum.
A plaque at the New Brunswick Military Museum, Camp Gagetown honouring those who fought in World War One.
A display at the New Brunswick Military Museum showing mannequins wearing British and French army uniforms from the time of the Seven Years War.
Another display from the NB Military Museum depicting a nurse aiding a soldier in the trenches during World War One.
This display shows two Canadian soldiers during World War Two.
FNHA members touring the recreated World War One trench at the New Brunswick Military Museum.
FNHA members viewing a second mannequin display depicting Canadian soldiers during World War Two.
Three of the Canadian army vehicles  on display at the NB Military Museum's grounds.
A photo from the World War Two display showing Devon native Harry Gill in the cockpit of his Hurricane fighter.
The caption that went with the photo of World War Two pilot and Devon native Harry Gill.
A display showing a shipyard worker and a Royal Canadian Navy sailor from the World War Two era.
​Fredericton North Heritage Association Tour of the New Brunswick Military Museum, Camp Gagetown, June 2016 
​ September 2016 Fredericton North Heritage Association BBQ
FNHA member Carol Randall and guest at the BBQ.
A guest and FNHA member Diana Moore at the BBQ.
FNHA members and guests enjoying the BBQ in the Ducks Unlimited building.
FNHA members Walter Long and Dow Johnston.
FNHA President Eric Megarity and members and guests at the BBQ.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2016
The Doucet Family Singers performing at the 2016 FNHA Christmas Party.
Another picture of the family performing.
FNHA members and guests enjoying the Doucet Family performance.
Another image of the FNHA members and guests.
FNHA members and guests enjoying refreshments at the  2016 Christmas Party.
The 2016 FNHA Christmas Tree.
FNHA members enjoying the Christmas refreshments.
FNHA members and guests taking part in the Christmas trivia quiz.
 June 2017 Fredericton North Heritage Association BBQ
FNHA members at the Q & A session preceding the BBQ.
FNHA members Bob McNeil and Fred White chairing the Q & A session.
FNHA members Dow Johnston and George Crawford enjoying the food at the BBQ.
FNHA members and guests enjoying the food provided at the BBQ.
FNHA members Sharon Hallett and Carol Randall on the terrace at the Ducks Unlimited building during the BBQ.
FNHA member Jill Hargrove and guest Mrs. Megarity during the BBQ.
York Manor Care Centre Meeting, September 2017
FNHA members and York Care Centre residents getting refreshments after the September meeting.
FNHA members after the September meeting.
September speaker Dr. Barry Miller mixing with the audience after the meeting.
More FNHA members and York Care Centre residents enjoying the refreshments after the September meeting.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party,  December 2017
The Doucet family singers performing at the 2017 Christmas party.
Another view of the Doucet family performing at the Christmas party.
FNHA members and guests listening to the Doucet family at the Christmas party.
Another view of FNHA members and guests  at the 2017 Christmas party.
Some of the Doucet family enjoying refreshments after their performance.
Two FNHA members enjoying the refreshments at the 2017 Christmas party.
 June 2018 Fredericton North Heritage Association BBQ
FNHA enjoying the refreshments at the June 2018 BBQ
More FNHA members and guests enjoying the food at the 2018 BBQ.
Other guests and FNHA members at the June 2018 BBQ.
FNHA president Eric Megarity and a member at the BBQ.
FNHA member and guest at the 2018 BBQ party.
FNHA President Eric Megarity receiving a cheque for $50 from Lower Saint Mary's Women's Institute President Noreen Wetmore, June 2018
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2018
Members of the Doucette family singing at the December FNHA meeting.
Another view of the Doucette family performing.
FNHA members and friends watching the Doucet family perform, December 2018.
Another view of FNHA members and friends watching the Doucet family singers.
A view of the Christmas food fare on display at the December meeting.
FNHA member Dow Johnston giving a reward for service to the FNHA from Jim McElman at the December meeting.
FNHA member Marjorie Hughes showing her Booker Award gift.
FNHA members admiring Marjorie Hughes Booker award gift.
FNHA members and friends enjoying the BBQ at the Picaroons Roundhouse.
Another photo of the June 2019 FNHA BBQ.
The FNHA June BBQ in full swing.
 June 2019 Fredericton North Heritage Association BBQ
FNHA members and friends listening to the Doucet Family Singers sing Christmas songs.
Other FNHA members and friends at the 2019 Christmas concert.
Members of the Doucet Family Singers performing Christmas songs.
Another photo of the Doucet Family Singers performing.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2019
FNHA members in the serving line at the 2021 BBQ.
FNHA members Eric Megarity and Jill Hargrove preparing food at the 2021 BBQ.
Another photo of the 2021 BBQ.
FNHA members enjoying the food served at the 2021 BBQ.
The Doucet Family preforming Christmas songs.
FNHA members and friends watch the Doucet Family perform.
FNHA members Fred White and George Crawford presenting a certificate to a Doucet family member.
The Doucet Family with FNHA members Fred White and George Crawford.
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2022
Long-time FNHA members Bob Mabie and George Crawford with their awards, June 2023
(the pictures were designed by Carol Randall)
Celebration of FNHA members' Majorie Hughes and George Crawford's 90th birthdays with FNHA member Bob Mabie looking on, June 2024
Fredericton North Heritage Association Christmas Party, December 2024